Student FAQs & Testimonials
You do not need to be working or volunteering in a school or childcare environment for the NCFE CACHE AWARD courses as they are knowledge only qualifications. However, we do strongly recommend you to find work placement as a volunteer if you are planning to gain employment. We will recommend to organisations preparing their learners to gain employment that work placement be incorporated in their plans. This will build the learners confidence in the working environment, sustain their post and create successful careers in the future.
The NCFE CACHE Level 2 and 3 CERTIFICATES “original” course has been extended until 2020 to run with the Level 2 and 3 CERTIFICATE “new” courses. This will mean the learner has a choice of two qualifications in each level, which will allow them to gain employment and create career pathways. The new version has been reviewed and updated to address new agendas to identify: employability skills, radicalisation, a wider context to child abuse, health and safety including e-safety, digital mobile devices and understanding mental health and well being. You will notice that the NCFE CACHE tutor guided learning hours have increased in the “new” version due to requiring additional tutor observations in your learning or childcare environment. This will mean the tutor will have more opportunities to assess your competency on a regular basis through observations and one to one meetings with you. The NCFE CACHE “new” version also includes “schools and colleges” offering the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in supporting adult learners.
Please contact us direct by telephone or email which are provided on the “Contact Us” page. This will allow us get to know you by discussing your aspirations, career pathways and ask you what you expect from a Learner2mentor tutor. We will offer initial advice and guidance as to what course best suits your goals and experiences as well as taking into consideration your day-to-day commitments. Initially, we will begin the course at a gentle pace, allowing you can get to know your tutor’s teaching styles and for your tutor to know what learning techniques suits you best. You can start at any time of the year if you are planning to study online as an individual learner. If you are involved in a group, there will be a set day and time planned to suit both tutor and learners.
**To read more about Jodie’s story and our partnership with Golding Homes, click here.
Case Studies
London and Quadrant Housing Trust is a housing association based in Lewisham, operating in Greater London, South East England and East Anglia since 1963.
We worked together with Learner2Mentor Limited to help support unemployed parents and carers with the aim to return them into the workplace.
L&Q wanted to find an avenue where parents and carers of children could find a flexible working environment during term-time that would be local to them and fit into their family lifestyle. Learner2Mentor had the answer with the ‘Let’s Go to School’ programme, which enabled up to 500 L&Q residents to train towards the NCFE-qualified ‘Support Work in Schools’ accreditation in a friendly, supportive environment and with like-minded people who wanted to work with children as teaching assistants or in similar support roles.
The programme also focused on residents gaining work placements by volunteering as teaching assistants to gain practical experience before plunging into paid employment. The paid employment would often be within the school that they had been volunteering at. This was not only great the student but also strengthened the partnership between the school, Learner2mentor and L&Q.
L&Q and Learner2Mentor shared a passion and vision: to allow people to turn their dreams of working with children into a reality with the help of a caring support network.
Our positive relationship with Learner2Mentor has reflected on the L&Q students in many ways, including building their confidence and self-esteem. They have also made many friends along the way!-
This five-year project has left a great legacy at L&Q and is still highly revered by internal and external stakeholders as well as the wider community.
The ‘Let’s Go to School’ project won the L&Q ‘Creating Places Awards Foundation’ project of the year 2013 and the ‘Business in the Community’ (BiTC) ‘Big Tick Work Inclusion Award’ for the two consecutive years of 2014 and 2015.
Joanna Pope
Project Manger, L&Q